Vent Range Hood Through Wall or Roof – Best Venting Option

When it comes to proper ventilation of range hoods, there are two major options: venting through the wall or roof. This article will discuss each option in detail, examining their pros and cons to help you make an informed decision when selecting the best venting option for your home. It is essential to be aware of all the factors involved with each choice before deciding which one is right for you, as this will ensure that your range hood is installed correctly and functions efficiently.

Let us first talk about venting through the wall.

Venting the kitchen hood through Wall Pros and Cons

Venting the kitchen hood through Wall Pros and Cons


Venting the range hood through the kitchen wall has proven to be an efficient way to improve air circulation and maintain a clean, comfortable cooking environment. Here are 4 pros of venting range hood through the wall:

1. Positive in air pressure

The biggest benefit of venting your range hood through the wall rather than the roof is improved air circulation. A wall-mounted exhaust fan can help remove smoke, steam, and other contaminants from cooking quickly and efficiently while maintaining positive air pressure in your kitchen.

2. Eliminates concern over maintenance

Additionally, this method eliminates concern over maintenance or repair of ducts leading up to the roof since all components are safely located on the interior side of your home’s exterior walls.

3. Easy to install

The installation of a range hood that is vented through the wall is a relatively straightforward endeavor. In this configuration, the range hood’s exhaust duct is typically connected to an external flue, which both dissipates heat generated within the kitchen and reduces odorous air contaminants.

4. Reduce noise levels within the kitchen area

Utilizing a venting range hood through wall instead of roof can be a viable option to reduce the noise level within kitchen area. This is due to the fact that walls are generally better insulators than roofs, which provides a more effective sound barrier between the interior space and the outside environment.

Since sound waves travel faster and with less resistance through air, by providing an additional layer of insulation through wall venting, you can effectively attenuate the noise from the kitchen area.


Here are 2 cons of venting the kitchen range hood through a wall:

1. Venting your kitchen range hood through a wall will take up more space than if it were vented through the roof.

Venting the kitchen range hood through a wall requires an increased amount of physical space, when compared to venting through the roof. This is due to the fact that the physical infrastructure needed to facilitate ventilation through a wall necessitates additional components and consequently more room to effectuate successful ventilation.

For example, the extra air ducts, vents, and other materials required for walls constructed of brick or other dense material can take up significantly more space than those needed for roof venting.

2. The ventilation ductwork will be exposed within your home

The potential downside to venting a range hood through a wall is that it can lead to an exposed ductwork system within the home. This can reduce the aesthetic appeal of certain areas, given that the ducts and associated components are visible.

Furthermore, this type of installation may necessitate some degree of structural adjustment on behalf of the homeowner in order to ensure that proper ventilation is achieved without hamparing the interior looks, which could involve added costs.

Also Read: There are more options available such as basement venting. It has both pros and cons. Maybe it seems more suitable to you.

Also Read: There are more options available such as basement venting. It has both pros and cons. Maybe it seems more suitable to you.

How much does it cost to vent a range hood through the wall?

The cost of venting a range hood through an outside wall will depend on several factors such as the type of range hood you have, the type of exterior wall material, and whether or not an electrician is needed for installation.

Generally speaking, it can cost between $150-$400 for basic installation. Professional electricians may charge more depending on the complexity of the job. If additional materials such as ductwork or vents need to be installed then this could add additional expenses onto your bill too.

How to install a range hood vent through the wall

Venting a range hood can seem like an intimidating and overwhelming task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it doesn’t have to be. Venting your range hood through the wall is a great option for any kitchen DIYer looking to keep their kitchen clean and safe from fumes.

Tools you need:

Before you get started, make sure you have all the necessary materials and tools, such as proper venting materials, drill bits, screws and sealant.

1. Measure the size of your range hood

To begin, measure the size of your range hood outlet ducts. This will help determine what size piping material you need to purchase for venting outside of your home.

2. Next mark on the wall

Mark on the wall where you want to make the hole for the exhaust pipe – typically this is near a window or above an exterior doorframe.

Using a stud finder, locate the wall studs and mark them on the wall. This will ensure your new exhaust pipe is secured properly. Use a level to make sure your range hood is hanging straight on the wall and secure it with screws.

3. Place the exhaust pipe through the hole and secure it with screws

In the third step of the installation process, the exhaust pipe must be inserted through the pre-drilled hole and properly secure with screws. This is an integral part of the overall installation of the vent, as it provides a tangible connection between the interior and exterior components of the system.

4. Finally, attach the range hood vent to your new pipe and turn on your fan!

In the final stage of the installation process, it is necessary to affix the hood vent to the newly-installed piping before turning it on. This will provide a secure connection between the two components and ensure that they are properly functioning. Once this step has been completed, activating the ventilation system should be straightforward and easy to do.

Safety guidelines for venting range hood through the wall

To use the through wall venting system safely, make sure that all flammable materials are at least 12 inches away from the unit. Additionally, double check that all electrical wiring is done correctly by a qualified electrician before using this system.

It is important to also note that if you live in an area with cold temperatures, it is best to use an insulated duct for this system as well as any other type of duct used for venting purposes.

Pros and cons of venting the range hood duct through the roof

Pros and cons of venting the range hood duct through the roof


1. Eliminates visibility issues

Venting your range hood through the roof eliminates visibility issues that come with wall vents. This allows you to keep your kitchen looking neat and organized while still providing adequate ventilation for your stovetop or cooktop.

2. Provide an aesthetic looking (my opinion)

Having a range hood that vents through your roof instead of the wall can be an attractive and stylish addition to your kitchen.

3. It is much easier to clean filters

There are other benefits to consider when venting a range hood through the roof instead of through a wall. It is much easier to clean filters located on top of your home than those located on an exterior wall below them.

4. Reduce energy cost

Venting range hoods through the roof results in an overall reduction in energy costs when compared to wall-vented systems. This is due to the decrease in air pressure losses incurred by the longer passage distance of a roof vent, as opposed to a wall vent. This allows for increased airflow rates too, which leads to greater energy efficiency and improved performance of the range hood system.


While many people think that venting their hood through the roof is the best idea, there are some definite disadvantages to this approach. Here are 10 of them:

1. The cost of installation

Having your range hood vented through the roof will likely be more expensive than running it through an exterior wall due to the additional materials and labor costs involved.

2. You can have a water seepage problem

Another potential problem is water seepage. Because the range hood exhausts air directly through the roof, this can cause problems with moisture build-up or leaking during storms or periods of heavy rain.

To avoid this issue, be sure to install flashings along with new sealants and caulking around the base of your range hood to protect from water damage. Additionally, be sure that the range hood you choose is properly sealed so no moisture can get in from outside sources.

Also Read: When you are setting up the venting system of your range hood, you must have knowledge about various types of ducts. But Semi-rigid duct is special among ducts.

Also Read: When you are setting up the venting system of your range hood, you must have knowledge about various types of ducts. But Semi-rigid duct is special among ducts.

How much does it cost to vent a range hood through the roof?

The cost of venting a range hood through the roof depends on the size of your kitchen, type of equipment you use, and type of insulation in your attic or crawl space. The average cost can range anywhere from $300-$1,000 depending on these factors. Generally speaking, hard-wired installation usually costs more than ducted systems but ensures better air quality throughout your home long-term.

How to install a vent ductwork through the roof?

If you find yourself needing to vent the hood through the roof, don’t worry! It’s not as complicated as it looks. With some simple steps and the right tools, you can easily vent your range hood through the roof in no time. Here’s how:

1. Measure the distance

First, measure the distance from your range hood to the roof so you know what size ductwork you need for your installation. This is an essential step in ensuring that the installation is completed effectively, as it enables the installer to precisely determine how long of a vent should be ordered and installed.

2. Gather all the necessary materials

Then, gather all the necessary materials for the job: ducting material (which should include a duct connector piece), sheet metal screws and sealant. Make sure that you have enough of each item so that you don’t run out mid-project.

3. Create the hole

Next, create a hole in your ceiling near where your range hood exhaust pipe will be located. Put aside any excess drywall or other debris created during this step.

4. Install the new venting system

Now it’s time to install the new venting system – start by attaching one end of the metal ductwork onto the exhaust port of your rangehood with screws or clamps.

Safety guidelines for venting the vent hoods through the roof

Before installing a range hood vented through the roof, there are some safety guidelines that should be taken into consideration. To get started, inspect the area around where you plan on venting for any potential obstructions such as wiring or plumbing pipes. Make sure there is enough clearance for proper ventilation and if necessary move any obstacles out of the way. Check that your range hood has been properly installed according to local codes and regulations regarding fire safety and air quality standards.

Vent Range Hood Through Wall or Roof, which you should go with?

Both are effective ways of removing smoke and odors from your kitchen and ensuring that indoor air quality remains high. But which one should you choose?

Venting through a wall is usually the simpler option, as most range hoods come with their own kits for this purpose. This makes it easy to install and can be done without any major modifications to your home. However, depending on the layout of your kitchen and exterior walls, there may not be enough space available to fit the vent hose properly.

Venting through the roof is a more efficient solution as it allows smoke and smells to escape easily without being obstructed by walls or other objects inside or outside your home.

If you have the easy option and you can bear the cost then I will suggest choosing the roof.


The venting option that best suits you will depend on your roof and wall structure, the design of your kitchen, and any local codes that may apply. All three of these options are viable solutions to a range hood exhaust vent. Whether you choose to go through the wall or roof, make sure you hire a professional contractor with experience in exhaust fan installation. The right contractor will help ensure your system is installed safely and efficiently.

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